Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Going Green 2011

What It Means When You're "Going Green"!

If you think that "going green" means adding the word "organic" to everything on your shopping list, then you'll likely save the planet while spending yourself into the poor-house. Separating the bull from the organic fertilizer doesn't have to be an expensive process, and in fact the idea of "saving" is the core of the Green movement.
That's why I put this site together - people need "Going green ideas" that aren't just good for the planet, but good for their bank account. I haven't limited this to just ideas that help you save on your power-bill either. I've also included ways you can MAKE money while keeping the planet green and vibrant for ourselves and our children. You don't have to be a greedy corporate polluter to make money - you just have to be smart in the choices that you make.

Like the stock-market. What? You thought that “making money” by going green meant carrying around a hemp-bag as you patrol the streets for aluminum cans? Making money isn’t trading hours of your time for nickels and dimes. Making money means earning thousands of dollars on a carbon-credit trade, or selling energy back to the power company at the same rate you’d buy it at. If you thought going green ideas were just for hippies, then let me be the first to tell you Starshine, you are limiting the ways that you can help the planet AND yourself.

For more information, visit the links on this page and learn going green ideas that will save the planet and your bank account at the same time!

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